Nuances in Already Nutritionally Dense Foods
At the Alliance for Food and Farming, we state repeatedly that the right choice for consumers is to always eat more fruits and veggies – organic or conventionally grown. Both growing methods yield...
View ArticleIt Is National Farmers' Market Week!
National Farmers’ Market Week begins today and many people may be visiting their local farmers’ market for the first time. Last year, the Alliance for Food and Farming developed a guide for helping...
View ArticleNew Study Shows Diets of Poor Americans Getting Worse
In this blog, we often remind people to “celebrate their choices” when it comes to purchasing fruits and vegetables. It seems that most of us enjoy a plethora of options – organic, local,...
View ArticleScience Over Rhetoric- We Agree!
“Rhetoric is no substitute for actual science and hard evidence.”Ironically, this is a quote from an Environmental Working Group (EWG) blog today. And we couldn’t agree more. Yes EWG, science and...
View ArticleCDC Reports We're Living Longer Than Ever
This month, the Centers for Disease Control released a new report that showed our life expectancy continues to climb. The average life expectancy is now 78.8 years. This increase is largely credited...
View ArticleEWG Gives Top Scores to Produce
The Environmental Working Group released a new database today which rates foods on a scale of 1 to 10 (a score of 1 being the best) based on nutrition, food additives, contaminants and degree of...
View ArticleAFF Letter to EWG
Today, the Alliance For Food and Farming sent a letter to Environmental Working Group President Ken Cook requesting they discontinue their annual release of the so-called "dirty dozen" list. This...
View ArticleA List of Positive Health and Safety News in 2014
As we close out 2014, we would like to end the year by focusing on the positive news and events which provided more information to consumers to help them improve their diets and make the right shopping...
View ArticleStudy Shows Conflicting Statements on Healthy Eating May Be Impacting Low...
A new peer reviewed study shows that conflicting messaging on food safety and nutrition may be having a negative impact on consumers, especially those with lower incomes.
View ArticleUSDA Report Shows Safety of Fruits and Veggies - Again!
Last month, the USDA released its annual Pesticide Data Program report. As usual, this report was greeted with little attention or interest. As we’ve speculated before, maybe it’s because the report...
View ArticleA "Half Dozen" Questions for EWG
As they have for the last 20 years, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released its “dirty dozen” list today which inaccurately disparages many of the most popular fruits and vegetables. To correct...
View ArticleDiscredited by Scientists, Ignored by Media - It's Time for EWG to Retire...
A five-year analysis of media coverage of the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) so-called “dirty dozen” list shows a steady decline in overall coverage, unbalanced coverage and consumer reach. And...
View ArticleConflicting "Shoppers Guides" Create More Confusion
Within a month of each other, an environmental group and consumer advocacy group released two different produce “shoppers guides.” While both “shoppers guides” were supposedly based upon pesticide...
View ArticleNew Initiatives To Improve Consumers' Diets, Eliminate Confusion
We often talk about consumer confusion when it comes to nutrition, food safety fears, food labels, food trends…the list goes on. Interestingly, new initiatives have recently emerged with a focus on...
View ArticleDespite New Hire, Nothing Will Change At Dr. Oz Show
When the Alliance for Food and Farming first learned that the Dr. Oz Show had hired an M.D. to review and oversee medical and scientific content, we breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe all the recent...
View ArticleFriends of the Earth Report Is Another Indicator of AFF's Success
Yesterday, Friends of the Earth (FOE) issued a report titled “Spinning Food: How Industry Front Groups and Covert Communications Are Shaping the Story of Food.” Like a previous report from food...
View ArticleWhat's It Going To Take?
"Consumers should be encouraged to eat fruits, vegetables and grains and should not fear the low levels of pesticide residues found in such foods." July 2015, International Journal of Food Consumption
View ArticleTime to Enjoy National Farmers' Market Week
Only a couple days left in National Farmers’ Market Week so now is the time to visit your local market and load up on fruits and veggies. But, make sure to take along the Alliance for Food and...
View ArticleStudy: Consuming A Healthy Diet While Pregnant Can Lower Risk of Heart...
Last month, a peer reviewed study showed that pregnant women who eat a very healthy diet can reduce the risk of heart defects in their baby, sometimes by as much as 37%. According to the study...
View ArticleMore Evidence That Organic and Conventional Produce Can Be Enjoyed With...
Yet another government sampling program’s results verify the safety of organic and conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. Last week, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (CDPR)...
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